Spread of different foods at a table.

More Room at the Table: Unconventional Diets on the Rise

Pet food is no longer just about kibbles and cans, as more owners are exploring different avenues to feed their canine and feline companions. This was recently demonstrated by Dr. Sarah Dodd’s recent publication in the British Medical Journal Veterinary Record, An observational study of pet feeding practices and how these have changed between 2008 and 2018 .

An increasing number of pets are being fed alternative diets, featuring raw, vegetarian, and home-prepared foods. Previous studies indicated that the majority of pet owners were feeding a conventional diet, yet this study demonstrates a shift to only 13% of dogs and 32% of cats eating exclusively conventional diets. Data compiled from this survey indicates that the majority of pet owners are now offering alternative diets, with 66% dogs and 53% cats fed a homemade and/or raw diet.

Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Dodd and our nutrition team on publishing this exciting work!