Choline-Supplementation in Obese Cats
Increased intake of dietary choline may improve the safety and efficacy of weight loss in the treatment and care of obese cats.
Increased intake of dietary choline may improve the safety and efficacy of weight loss in the treatment and care of obese cats.
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Research previously conducted on mice concluded differences in microbiota in obese vs. lean mice. This feline study, recently published in BMC Veterinary Research by our own Dr. Adronie Verbrugghe and our prior DVSc student, Dr. Moran Tal, along with OVC's Dr. Scott Weese, sought to investigate the microbiome of obese cats who embarked on a weight loss program. Entitled, Bacterial fecal microbiota is only minimally affected by a standardized weight loss plan in obese cats, the study concluded that little change was demonstrated in microbial populations following a successful weight loss program.